Your Code — #GreenMoscow
Ecothon «Green code Moscow»

Russia's first international competition for ecologists, IT specialists and managers:
accept the eco-challenge, transform urban planning
and win from 125 to 330 thousand rubles!
- 12 winning teams will split the prize fund of 2,700,000 roubles.
- Join online from any country or come in person to work
in a modern public space & coworking - Zaryadye Park, Moscow - Meet Russia's top ecology experts & work together to find
a better solution for an environmental case study

and collaborate with
Join International ecothon Green Code Moscow is you are ready to:
- Work on real cases and compete to win prizes
- Find like-minded people from all over the world
- Meet and network with the top leaders in the field of ecology
- Create a digital application to improve people's wellbeing and happiness
- Improve your IT, design and management skills
in a trans-disciplinary project environment
Gathering of participants at the Ecoton site
publishing presentations in chats on cases and the main ecothon channel
First checkpoint
Official grand opening (publication of the broadcast in the ecothon channel) at the offline site in Zaryadye
Series of open lectures “Green Code of Moscow” - Eco Talks
1. Elvira Anvarbekovna Dovletyarova (14:30 - 14:50)
2. Andrey Vasilievich Kashanin (14 :50 - 15:10)
3. Alexey Alexandrovich Reteyum (15:10 - 15:30)
4. Natalya Viktorovna Sinkova (15:30 - 15:50)
Time for attaching a link to the repository in your personal account
Gathering of participants at the Ecoton site
Second checkpoint
Stop coding
14:00 - 15:15
Code review
Jury Briefing
Protection solutions

non-standard solutions
to the urban & eco
challenges of the big city?
and 40 years old?
- IT specialistsprogrammers, engineers, analysts, testers, system
administrators, architects, artificial intelligence specialists - Managersproject managers, product managers, entrepreneurs,
marketers, financial and business analysts - Creatorsgraphic, industrial, product designers, animators,
data visualization and 3D modeling specialists - Environmentalists and urbanistsecologists, health professionals, urban planners and
anyone who wants to gain practical experience in solving
real-life ecological case studies.
Prize fund

Ready to immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of ecotone? Work on cases in the very center of Moscow -
Moscow Zaryadye Concert Hall!
For you - comfortable workspaces with access to Wi-Fi, hot food and drinks, networking with ecothon participants and experts, as well as the opportunity to join the educational program and meet the leaders of the eco-transformation of cities of the future.

We recommend booking seats in advance for the whole team!
Красная книга
The Red List of Threatened Species a vital tool for safeguarding Moscow's natural ecosystems. It underpins the development of conservation strategies in urban areas. As infrastructure grows and cities expand, the importance of ecosystem services rises, making it essential to preserve plant and animal species in their natural habitats.
Participants of the Ecothon are invited to create a resource that provides information on the Red List species and their habitats in Moscow with a focus on one of the city's largest parks. This resource will support the Moscow Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection in considering rare species when planning activities, while also ensuring timely updates through a verification system.